Otherwise money cut

Government: compulsory work for asylum seekers is coming

28.05.2024 11:00

The government has presented new measures for the federal government's basic services. There is to be a "work obligation" for asylum seekers - otherwise their pocket money will be halved, explained Interior Minister Gerhard Karner. In addition, so-called basic standard courses are to become compulsory even before a decision on asylum status is made, it was explained at a joint press conference with Integration Minister Susanne Raab.

Refugees are to be introduced to the values that apply here at an earlier stage and encouraged to take up non-profit activities - additional employment opportunities are also to be created for this purpose.

Measure only affects a small proportion of asylum seekers
Of course, the new regulation only applies to those asylum seekers who are in federal care, i.e. at the very beginning of the process. Of the 35,000 refugees in basic care, just 1600 are currently being looked after by the federal government. This does not include displaced persons in Ukraine, who are also not affected by the changes.

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner and Integration Minister Susanne Raab (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
Interior Minister Gerhard Karner and Integration Minister Susanne Raab

At the press conference, Karner pointed out that the federal states had requested appropriate measures. The federal government has now created "important points of reference" that the federal states, which provide the vast majority of basic services, can use as a guide. However, the minister cannot oblige them to do so.

Absence from values courses leads to pocket money cuts
What is actually set to change from the end of June: There is to be compulsory participation in basic courses for new arrivals via the Federal Support Agency (BBU) and the Integration Fund. Topics such as culture and manners, equal rights, democracy, the role of men and women and anti-Semitism are to be discussed in an overview.

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Every asylum seeker must abide by our rules of coexistence and our values and adapt to them. The basic rules courses are therefore also part of the guiding culture.

Integrationsministerin Susanne Raab (ÖVP)

In addition to the rights and duties of asylum seekers in Austria, equal rights for men and women will be a particular topic. However, the Ministry of Integration told the newspaper "Krone" that asylum seekers will also be taught how to behave in the asylum accommodation and in public spaces, including everyday things such as waste separation. Four modules of 90 minutes each are planned, as Raab explained. Those who are absent will have their pocket money cut.

BBU Managing Director Andreas Achrainer sees advantages for young asylum seekers in the measures. (Bild: Markus Schuetz)
BBU Managing Director Andreas Achrainer sees advantages for young asylum seekers in the measures.

BBU Managing Director Andreas Achrainer sees very important content being taught here. Most refugees themselves are "curious about how to behave in Austria". According to Achrainer, an additional advantage is that experience has repeatedly shown that heads of families in particular have a strong influence on young girls who would like to know more about their rights and duties. The obligation is an advantage here.

Halving of 40 euros pocket money for refusal to work
As far as the work to be carried out by the federal caregivers is concerned, Karner spoke of an "obligation to work". In fact, the 40 euro pocket money is halved if a person refuses to work. This penalty is likely to be used rather rarely, as Achrainer reported waiting lists in the federal care facilities to be able to take on a task: "Everyone wants to do something meaningful." The activities so far have ranged from corridor cleaning to kitchen duty.

The BBU Managing Director is therefore also pleased that the job opportunities for asylum seekers are being expanded. In addition to activities in the federal, state and municipal sectors, it is also possible to work in non-profit public sector organizations or companies that are entitled to a minimum of five civil servants. Karner named winter road clearance services and assistance in care homes and libraries as potential fields of activity. The earnings will not exactly be lavish. The Minister of the Interior mentioned a "recognition contribution" of 1.50 euros per hour. In any case, Karner believes: "Those who are supported by the general public should also give something back."

The fact that most refugees are only in federal care at the beginning of their procedure and then move as quickly as possible to accommodation organized by the federal states does not make things any less sensible for Achrainer. The "flow" from the federal government to the federal states is currently working well, but there have also been times when refugees have been in federal care for six months or even longer.

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read the original article here.

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