Mölzer smugly

“Gewessler against Edtstadler is mud wrestling”

28.05.2024 22:30

The current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig was about the mutual government blockade between the ÖVP and the Greens, among other things. Hardly any solutions are being found. On the contrary, an agreement, for example on the renaturation law or the climate law, is being prevented.

Glawischnig commented: "The coalition parties no longer begrudge each other success in the election campaign. I think the Climate Act is dead." But it will also be difficult for the government partners to reach an agreement on renaturation.

Andreas Mölzer sharply criticizes the ÖVP and the Greens. (Bild: krone.tv)
Andreas Mölzer sharply criticizes the ÖVP and the Greens.

The worst of both worlds

Mölzer: "The coalition government started with the slogan 'The best of both worlds'. Now it has become the worst of both worlds." Above all, the personal bickering between female ministers, which is being carried out in public, speaks a clear language. Mälzer: "Gewessler versus Edtstadler, it's like Simmering versus Kapfenberg. It's mud wrestling."

For the former FPÖ EU mandatary, Minister Gewessler was "not always entirely likeable." She is apodictic and says what needs to be done: "I am glad that Edtstadler then coolly blocks it." Glawischnig takes the opposite stance: "Leonore Gewessler knows her subject matter very well. She is the best environment minister we have ever had."

Political intrigue in all parties

The two duelists also discuss the character of various personalities in top domestic politics. And about the question of how authentic they themselves have always been and how much they have embodied to the outside world what they themselves have honestly thought. And how internal party conflicts were resolved. Glawischnig: "During my active time as Green Party Chairwoman, I was never closely associated with the Green youth organizations. It led to problems and ultimately to my expulsion from the party." Mölzer soberly: "There were political intrigues in all parties. In my time also in the FPÖ." What Der Standard did with Lena Scjhilling was, according to Glawischnig, crossing the line. Mölzer adds: "Rolling up the Lena Schilling investigation in several episodes is a strategy."

In Eva Glawischnig's view, the current EU election campaign would be rather dull: "So far, the EU election campaign has just rippled along. There have been few highlights." Mölzer whimsically alluded to a photo after the EU elephant round with Reinhold Lopatka, Andreas Schieder, Harald Vilimsky, Helmut Brandstätter and Lena Schilling: "That's the picture of four evil uncles with the confirmand."

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