After Sylt video

Racist rant also filmed in Carinthian club

28.05.2024 13:56

The Sylt video caused outrage throughout Germany and Europe. Now a video has also emerged from a Carinthian nightclub in which party guests shout racist slogans to the tune of the party hit "L'amour Toujours". The operator doubts the authenticity of the footage.

The scandal on the German North Sea island caused great horror last week. The video shows revellers in the posh "Pony" club chanting Nazi slogans such as "Deutschland den Deutschen. Foreigners out. Foreigners out" (we reported).

Carinthians also shout racist slogans
Just a few days later, a video from Carinthia also emerged on social media. It shows a similar scene. Revellers sing "Foreigners out." to the party hit "L'amour Toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino. Foreigners out."

The video from Villach shows revellers bawling to the sounds of Gigi D'Agostino. (Bild: Elite Klagenfurt, Krone KREATIV)
The video from Villach shows revellers bawling to the sounds of Gigi D'Agostino.

"We are aware of the video and an investigation has been launched. However, this is still in the early stages," said the Carinthian provincial police headquarters.

Checking the video for authenticity
And while the Carinthian officers have started the investigation, the operator of the nightclub doubts the authenticity of the video: "The video footage definitely comes from my club. But the soundtrack could well have been edited in. Because when a whole club sings, it sounds a bit different."

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There is no racism in our club. Everyone is welcome. And if we had heard of such an incident, we would have reacted.

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The entrepreneur would therefore like to wait for the police investigation and take legal action against the creator of the video in the event of a forgery.

"50 percent discount" for people with foreign passports
While the racist video is causing people to shake their heads, other nightclub owners have already thought of something: "Dear 'foreigners', please don't leave us alone with the racists," posted Klagenfurt's Fritzclub on Instagram, for example. And they are going one better: For example, the operators announced a 50 percent discount for all people with a foreign ID/passport. The nightclub "Matigo" also invited all "Balkania" to celebrate: "We are multi-cultural", it said on Instagram.

The Fritzclub published this campaign shortly after the video went viral (Bild: Fritzclub_official)
The Fritzclub published this campaign shortly after the video went viral
The Matigo invited all "Balkania" to celebrate! (Bild: Matigo Klagenfurt)
The Matigo invited all "Balkania" to celebrate!

"That's not who we are"
Carinthia's governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) was outraged by the footage: "That's not who we are! Carinthia is not like that!", he alludes to Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. According to Kaiser, Carinthia is diversity in action: "Our province has made great progress. Tolerance and openness are now attributes that are writ large and ever larger here."

Kaiser speaks of "unsavory and stupid nonsense, which probably only attracts attention and imitators due to the negative aspects of social media". And he says: "I don't want to condone this stupid ranting in any way. However, in times of war and inflation, there are more important concerns. One thing is certain: tolerance, respect and openness, like democracy, must be defended and worked for every day."

Malle appeals to common sense
The ÖVP has also voiced harsh criticism. "It worries me deeply that there are apparently also xenophobic chants to the well-known DJ song from Carinthian discos on videos," emphasizes club chairman Markus Malle. "This is not a funny party gag, but pure racism - and something like this must not happen here." He makes it clear that everyone who makes a contribution to our society should be accepted in Carinthia. "That's why I appeal to everyone's common sense to refrain from such stupidities," says Malle.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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