Schüssel & Vranitzky

Former chancellors jointly promote participation in EU elections

28.05.2024 14:12

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has joined forces with former Federal Chancellors Franz Vranitzky (SPÖ) and Wolfgang Schüssel (ÖVP) to call for participation in the EU elections on June 9. The political grandees spread roses in Brussels - warnings included.

The politicians in charge at the time had come to speak to young people in the presidential chancellery on the occasion of the referendum for EU accession 30 years ago. Accession had led to a "great Austrian success story", emphasized Van der Bellen.

Making "use" of the right to vote
However, this should not encourage us to "do nothing on soft cushions". The next opportunity to have a say in the EU elections is now at hand: "Make use of your right to vote," appealed the Federal President.

Van der Bellen warns against complacency. (Bild: APA/TOBIAS STEINMAURER)
Van der Bellen warns against complacency.

In 1994, two thirds of those who voted were in favor of joining the EU. Former ministers Ferdinand Lacina (SPÖ), Franz Fischler and Maria Rauch-Kallat (both ÖVP) and former State Secretary Brigitte Ederer (SPÖ) were also invited to the Hofburg as politicians who were active at the time.

Former chancellors promote the EU
In a statement after the dialog, Vranitzky praised the Union's successes - for example in the economic, cultural and educational sectors. Schüssel emphasized its innovative strength. "Let us not rest on our laurels", Vranitzky also stated, "let us be aware that great tasks await us." Schüssel spoke out in favor of the enlargement of the EU, but its members would then have to show more tolerance for one another.

Schüssel also said that "things that are taken for granted" should be made more understandable and more conscious. Austria could have a say in the defense of peace or the fight against climate change, and young people would not know any different, said Van der Bellen.

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