Action in Barcelona

Climate activists spray paint luxury yachts

28.05.2024 15:10

Climate activists in Spain have once again drawn attention to themselves with a spectacular action: members of the groups Extinction Rebellion and Scientist Rebellion sprayed luxury yachts with black paint in the port of the metropolis of Barcelona.

The climate activists then unrolled a yellow poster with the words "El teu luxe la nostra sequera" (Your luxury is our drought) on Sunday. With this action, they were protesting against subsidies for fossil fuels. According to the activists, these amount to 405 billion euros a year in the EU alone.

The action is part of the international campaign "Stop EU Fossil Subsidies", which is supported by European environmental organizations calling for an end to fossil fuel subsidies and addressing the governments and parties running in the upcoming European elections.

Among other things, the climate activists unfurled a yellow poster with the inscription "El teu luxe la nostra sequera" (Your luxury is our drought). (Bild: kameraOne (Screenshot))
Among other things, the climate activists unfurled a yellow poster with the inscription "El teu luxe la nostra sequera" (Your luxury is our drought).

Around twenty activists threw paint at or sprayed several yachts in the Port Vell marina in Barcelona and unfurled banners with slogans such as "Fossil subsidies finance extinction" and "Fossil fuels + luxury tourism = drought and climate crisis".

Music and film producer Geffen's yacht smeared
One of the
superyachts sprayed with biodegradable paint , the 138-metre-long "Rising Sun", apparently belongs to the well-known American music and film producer David Geffen, whose label Geffen Records has signed artists such as Neil Young, John Lennon, Cher, Guns N' Roses and Nirvana.

In 1994, Geffen, who is a philanthropist and known for his repeated multi-million dollar support of medical research as well as artists and theaters, founded the well-known film studio DreamWorks SKG together with Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

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