Boom only this year

Gswb saved on maintenance for a long time

29.05.2024 07:00
Spending on refurbishments fell by 21 percent between 2016 and 2021. There was a sharp increase this year.

Mold, rust, peeling walls. Many Gswb tenants turned to the "Krone" with these problems. The inadequate handling of complaints was one of the reasons why Gswb boss Peter Rassaerts had to leave the Stadt-Land company at the end of September. The critical inspection office report also revealed what may have contributed to this.

"During the audit period, Gswb's maintenance costs fell by 21 percent. The number of properties has increased, they have become older and the construction costs have not fallen either," says SPÖ local councillor Tarik Mete in amazement. Rassaerts attributes the drop in expenditure at the end of the audit period to the coronavirus pandemic. "Gswb is not making a decision to say that we are saving on maintenance costs," assures the housing manager.

Interview with Rassaerts was about to be canceled
The need for action has now apparently been recognized. At 49 million euros, the planned expenditure for this year is at a record level. "Based on the facts, this is one possible reason that there is a problem here," said Neos local councillor Lukas Rupsch.

Incidentally, the questioning of Rassaerts in the Control Committee almost fell through after FPÖ municipal councillor Erwin Enzinger said: "The swap scandal was a child's birthday party compared to the Gswb scandal." Rassaerts threatened to break it off, but Control Committee head Christoph Ferch was able to calm things down again.

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