With a new music album

Lena Meyer-Landrut gets back on track

04.06.2024 09:00

Lena Meyer-Landrut released her last album five years ago. A lot has happened since then, and she recently spoke about self-doubt and depression for the first time. Lena recently made a confident comeback with her new album "Loyal To Myself". "My mood has been very changeable over the past few years. There have been many highs and lows," the 2010 ESC winner ("Satellite") told the German Press Agency.

The musician from Hanover shares her emotional world with her fans. Because her sixth record was created during a phase of mental instability. "That seems to be part of my creative album process in some way. I don't know if I'll get over it at some point."

Everything is fine again
It should be said right at the beginning: the 33-year-old is now well again. The new single "Good Again", something of a "key song" for the singer herself, is proof of this. The funky disco-pop track has great summer hit potential and spreads a really good mood. "I feel better than ever," the song says. "I'm feeling good again."

The twelve songs on the album, which also contains four previously released singles, are intended to convey self-love and boost self-esteem. In the title track "Loyal To Myself", Lena, who has been in the public eye since the age of 19, sings: "Goodbye to doubts, I hate them. The fears and expectations. I've found a way to replace them. And I will never go back."

Very personal and familiar
Thematically, however, "Loyal To Myself" is about more: "See You Later" is a touching ballad about the loss of a loved one. "Right Reasons", for example, is about the difficult relationship with her father, who left the family when she was two years old.

Musically, Lena, who is going on tour again in June for the first time in a long time, oscillates between soft tones ("I Miss U") and danceable beats ("First Love"). She mixes chanting in the fun song "Mean Girls", indie sounds ("Run Charlie") and drum and bass ("Drug Worth Doing").

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read the original article here.

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