Wild scenes in Tyrol

Pursuit on the A12: shots stopped truck driver

29.05.2024 11:25

Wild scenes took place on the A12 in the Tyrolean lowlands on Wednesday morning: a truck driver from Belarus, who had been tailgating other road users and driving dangerously, was pursued by the police. Among other things, the suspect also drove through a closed roadworks area. Officers even had to fire two blank shots to stop the driver. Arrest!

At around 6 a.m., the police received a report that a lorry driver was constantly driving in the fast lane on the Inntal freeway (A12) in the direction of Germany since Wattens and was tailgating other road users in an extremely dangerous and reckless manner.

The truck was impounded. (Bild: ZOOM Tirol/Krone KREATIV)
The truck was impounded.

Several stop signs disregarded
"A police patrol finally spotted the truck driver in the overtaking lane near Münster in the direction of Kufstein and switched on the blue lights and siren. It was initially not possible to stop the truck as the driver disregarded several stop signs," the investigators said.

Truck through closed roadworks area
The patrol pursued the truck - but the driver apparently refused to give up. He then even drove into a closed roadworks area and rammed into crash barriers.

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The 37-year-old driver wanted to start up again after a short stop, whereupon the intervening police officers fired two shots into the air.

Die Polizei

Two shots and pepper spray
The patrol finally managed to stop the truck near Wörgl-Ost. "However, the 37-year-old driver wanted to drive off again, whereupon the intervening police officers fired two shots into the air," the investigators continued.

After the suspect had stopped, pepper spray was used. The driver was then arrested.

Freeway closed for a short time
After initial treatment by the ambulance service, the 37-year-old was taken to the district hospital in Kufstein. The A12 had to be closed for a short time due to the operation.

The truck driver was charged with attempted resistance to public authority and several administrative offenses.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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