Sinful instead of simple

Priest lives sinfully expensive instead of modestly

30.05.2024 06:00

A priest who "proudly" drives around the deanery in a new Audi Q8 is causing a stir. In times of inflation and growing poverty, the faithful hail harsh criticism. The diocese is keeping a low profile in response to the accusations.

Corpus Christi with up to 286 hp: the Audi Q8 luxury car is listed in car dealers' price lists at between 74,000 and 120,000 euros, depending on the equipment. Behind the wheel of such a vehicle sits a priest of the Franciscan order, who is often on the road in places in the Croatian deanery in Burgenland. With his new "luxury car", the priest certainly rang the bells of thoughtful believers.

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Is it really necessary for a priest to drive around in a sinfully expensive car when he has dedicated himself to honorable virtues such as moderation and humility before God?

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Follow an example
Modesty is required in parishes. According to a report in Croatian news, the harsh criticism spread far and wide - and led to heated debates. Among other things, reference is made to Pope Francis, who spoke out in favor of a "poor church" at the beginning of his pontificate and even uses a small Fiat car costing just 15,000 euros when he leaves the Vatican. "All clergy should follow this example", skeptics note. In any case, the lifestyle of the priest in question is in stark contrast to the values that Pope Francis preaches and lives by.

Parishes point out what is at stake
A lot of (exhaust) smoke for nothing - this is how most of the faithful see the debate about the priest's "luxury car". The focus is on Corpus Christi, today's high feast in the Catholic Church around the world. "The devotional celebration always takes center stage on the second Thursday after Pentecost, 60 days after Easter. We consciously carry the consecrated bread, the so-called host, in our hearts as a symbol of the presence of Christ," it explains. The message is that faith is alive.

A Croatian report about the priest's noble car attracted widespread attention - and heated debate. (Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)
A Croatian report about the priest's noble car attracted widespread attention - and heated debate.

"This is not a car of the diocese of Eisenstadt"
When asked about the criticism of the "luxury car" of the priest, the diocese of Eisenstadt around Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovits also keeps a low profile. "This is not a diocesan car," was the brief comment. The priest, who is responsible for the purchase of the car himself, could not be reached for comment.

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