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Solar power abundance

Feed-in contracts terminated: does PV still pay off?

29.05.2024 15:57

Tens of thousands of Austrians who harvest solar energy from rooftops, high-tech garden fences and balcony power plants and feed it into the grid are faced with terminated contracts and reduced revenues from their surplus energy: The guaranteed minimum prices for the purchase of electricity fell by 87 (!) percent at Energie AG in Upper Austria, for example. Many people are therefore asking themselves: is photovoltaics still worthwhile?

It all began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine: high electricity prices led to a run on photovoltaics, and roofs were eagerly fitted with solar panels all over Austria. The many systems now generate a considerable surplus during the hours of sunshine, which many sell to energy providers as part of a feed-in contract.

This was a lucrative business when electricity prices were skyrocketing - some suppliers were offering up to 50 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) when electricity prices were high. In the meantime, however, prices have fallen again to such an extent that energy suppliers are becoming stingy with feed-in contracts. This is causing unrest - not only among those who have had their contracts terminated, but also among people who also produce their own electricity and want to sell surpluses. Krone+ reveals whether feeding into the grid is profitable, where feeders can still get the best prices - and how to use the electricity generated as efficiently as possible.

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