Collapse on Mallorca

Building violations: Operator from Austria charged

29.05.2024 17:23

Following the collapse of a bar terrace on Mallorca with four fatalities, the municipal inspection report is now available. The building violations at the Medusa Beach Club are rated by technicians as serious (see video above).

Sources from investigative circles have confirmed to Italian media that the two owners of the club will be charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and serious injuries to up to 16 people. The experts are convinced that the terrace, whose illegality has already been confirmed, collapsed due to overloading. In fact, the area of the restaurant was already classified as inaccessible in a technical building inspection in 2017.

The accident occurred in this building. The owners are charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. (Bild: AFP)
The accident occurred in this building. The owners are charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter.

Formerly a Mexican restaurant
In 2018, the two Austrian bar operators, siblings Christian and Sandra A., opened a Mexican restaurant called Tex Mex. In 2021, however, they decided to change the concept and launched the Medusa Beach Club. In doing so, they allegedly ignored or failed to rectify previous structural violations and extended the restaurant onto the terrace.

Dispute over millions in compensation
A neighbor of the restaurant also told the authorities that a pillar had been removed between two connected terraces. However, the allegation is still being investigated. What is certain is that there will also be a battle between the insurance companies and the owners over the payment of millions in compensation.

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read the original article here.

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