Kompany is here

“That was partly a bottomless impudence”

29.05.2024 18:12

The seemingly never-ending story of Bayern Munich's search for a coach is officially over as of Wednesday afternoon. The Belgian Vincent Kompany signed for three years. The opinions of Austrian FC Bayern fan clubs vary widely. You can hear everything from "breath of fresh air" to "emergency solution".

Karl Kruisz, President of Bayrische Welle Burgenland, says: "The search for a coach was not worthy of FC Bayern. Uli Hoeneß has also ruined a lot with his statements. There is massive head-shaking in the active fan scene." Regarding Kompany, Kruisz says: "I think it's a brave idea and hope that the German media will let him work in peace for the time being. As a footballer he was a mentality player, maybe he can transfer that to the club."

Some of FC Bayern Munich's active fans shake their heads at various comments made by Uli Hoeneß. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Some of FC Bayern Munich's active fans shake their heads at various comments made by Uli Hoeneß.

"The club has not covered itself in glory"
Joachim Valis, President of Marchfelder Lederhosen, says: "The club has not covered itself in glory. A lot of water level reports and rumors have not made the situation any easier." On the new coach, he says: "It seems there were hardly any alternatives. But Kompany is certainly an exciting project. Whether he is ready for a club like Bayern remains to be seen."

Vincent Kompany is an exciting project. Whether he is ready for a club like Bayern remains to be seen. (Bild: AFP/APA/Oli SCARFF, FC Bayern)
Vincent Kompany is an exciting project. Whether he is ready for a club like Bayern remains to be seen.

Robert Schweighofer, chairman of Red Eagles Austria, is positive: "The discussions and speculation are now over. Every change of coach is a challenge, but also a great opportunity. Kompany brings a breath of fresh air, which can give our team new impetus. He has the potential to achieve great things. As fans, we are united behind our team and our new coach."

Leverkusen were vastly superior to Bayern this season. Andreas Kiesenhofer from the Sunhine Bazis 2000 is missing a leading wolf. (Bild: AFP)
Leverkusen were vastly superior to Bayern this season. Andreas Kiesenhofer from the Sunhine Bazis 2000 is missing a leading wolf.

"It was all an indictment"
Andreas Kiesenbauer, president of the Sunshine Bazis 2000, is more critical: "It was all an indictment of Bayern Munich. Kompany is an emergency solution for me. I wonder how much money FC Bayern still wants to spend on coaches." The Styrian also emphasized: "I want to see passionate soccer again. What the players showed in some of the home games was downright cheeky. There is no leader at the moment, the "Mia san Mia" is becoming less and less. That's why I would like to see a total change."

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