Rescued by helicopter

Car plunged into stream, injured occupants trapped

29.05.2024 20:00

Dramatic scenes unfolded on Wednesday afternoon in St. Ulrich am Tiroler Pillersee (Kitzbühel district): The car of a married couple (62 and 74 years old) crashed into a stream bed and came to rest on its side. The woman and her co-driver were unable to free themselves.

The car was driving on Pillerseestraße in the direction of Waidring on Wednesday. Behind the wheel was a 62-year-old Austrian woman, with her 74-year-old husband next to her. For reasons as yet unknown, the driver drove off the road to the right at around 12 noon. The car then plunged around three meters into the bed of the Grieselbach stream, where it came to rest on the passenger side.

Lifted out of the car by helicopter
According to the police, the woman and the man were only slightly injured in the accident, but were trapped in the car. While the emergency services were able to free the 62-year-old woman without assistance, her husband had to be rescued from the car by the "C4" rescue helicopter using a rope.

Both were responsive and were taken to the district hospital in St. Johann for medical treatment.

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