Star in hospital again!

Worried about Schweiger: children take his cell phone away from him

30.05.2024 11:27

Til Schweiger has been struggling with his health for weeks. The actor is currently in hospital again. And his children have taken drastic measures to help their father recover.

As reported by the "Bild" newspaper, Schweiger is currently back in hospital. The star actor is being treated in a Berlin hospital.

Heart operation delayed
However, Schweiger is not being treated for the planned heart operation. A few days ago, it became public that the 60-year-old apparently had to have a stent implanted.

However, the German newspaper claims to have found out that this procedure will have to wait. The reason for this is that he still has an "open leg".

Til Schweiger has to be treated in hospital again. (Bild:
Til Schweiger has to be treated in hospital again.

Doctors have reportedly warned Schweiger that the complications and risks that could occur during an operation would be too great. According to insider information, Schweiger therefore has to stay in hospital again.

Children took Schweiger's cell phone away
In order to speed up the recovery process, Schweiger's children are said to have taken drastic measures and taken away his cell phone.

Til Schweiger with his daughters Lilli and Luna Schweiger (Bild: APA/dpa/Annette Riedl)
Til Schweiger with his daughters Lilli and Luna Schweiger

It is said that Schweiger is normally available day and night. However, his priority at the moment is to concentrate on healing his leg so that the necessary heart operation can be carried out.

Schweiger in hospital due to sepsis
At the beginning of April, family, friends and fans were already worried about Til Schweiger because the actor was being treated for sepsis in a hospital on Mallorca. There was even talk of his leg being amputated.

He has had "a wound on his leg since August", Schweiger confirmed to Bild at the time. He had "hit his shin and germs got into it. Now I have an 'open leg', that's what they call it. Unfortunately, it got worse and worse."

However, Schweiger has so far refused to comment on the new health problems.

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