Finance, immigration police

“Action sharp” at major construction site in Innsbruck

30.05.2024 10:41

On Wednesday, finance and immigration police carried out a special operation at a large construction site in the center of Innsbruck. Several workers were discovered to be staying in the country illegally. In addition, numerous violations were found - including violations of the Wage and Social Dumping Prevention Act.

The workers at the major construction site in Innsbruck must have been astonished when officers from the financial and federal police and the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum suddenly arrived on Wednesday to carry out a large-scale inspection. "This was aimed at detecting foreign and financial police offenses," said the investigators.

Police scrutinized 113 workers
A total of 113 people working on the construction site were checked by the police. "Five workers were found to be staying illegally. A total of five charges were filed under the Aliens Police Act and two charges under the Registration Act," the executive report states.

Targeting foreign subcontractors
The finance officers also had plenty to do. In total, 22 companies were inspected and 99 workers were checked. "The focus of the financial police was primarily on foreign subcontractors."

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In total, the financial police will apply for fines of around 40,000 euros.

Die Ermittler

Five violations were found under the Foreign Nationals Employment Act. In addition, no fewer than 30 violations of the Wage and Social Dumping Prevention Act were recorded at five foreign subcontractors.

In total, the financial police will apply for penalties amounting to around 40,000 euros, the investigators concluded.

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read the original article here.

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