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Advice after losing your job

Suddenly unemployed – what you should do now

30.05.2024 11:47

Hardly anyone in the job market is immune to the risk of losing their job. After the initial shock, however, it is important to come to terms with the new situation and take the right action. Krone+ tells you what you need to do after losing your job in order to be able to assert all possible claims.

If you have just been made redundant or are already unemployed, here is a little consolation: you are not alone! In April 2024, 287,559 people were registered as unemployed with the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS). An increase of around eleven percent compared to the same month last year is considerable, but not yet a cause for great concern. This is because most people who fall into unemployment find a job again after a short time. According to the AMS, less than 34,000 people (11.8 percent) are considered long-term unemployed. People fall into this category after one year of continuous joblessness.

The job situation in Austria is not so bad at the moment. After all, there are around 94,000 vacancies that urgently need to be filled. Many of these are in sectors that are looking for workers without extensive training. If your dream job is not among them, the AMS is on hand with help and advice. Krone+ has taken a look at the points you should bear in mind in the event of sudden unemployment.

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