Financed by Iran

Mossad fears attacks before the Olympic Games

30.05.2024 16:00

According to media reports, Israel's foreign intelligence service Mossad is warning of terror against Jewish and Israeli institutions ahead of the Olympic Games in Paris. Groups supported by Iran would pose a particular threat. The "Jerusalem Post" named two groups called Foxtrot and Rumba.

Israeli media reported on Thursday that, according to the Mossad, Tehran was relying on criminal groups in Europe. The accusations could not be independently verified.

These were "directly responsible for violent activists and terror sponsorship in Sweden and throughout Europe". They had received financial support and instructions from Iran.

Mossad: Iran is behind the terror
According to the Mossad, Iran is behind an incident in which a man allegedly threw an airsoft grenade towards the Israeli embassy in the Brussels municipality of Uccle just under a week ago. This also applies to shots fired near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm two weeks ago. There were no casualties in either incident.

According to Mossad information, Foxtrot was behind the incident in Sweden. This group is otherwise known for murders and drug trafficking and is also active in other European countries. According to the reports, the leader of Foxtrot, a Swedish citizen with Kurdish roots, was arrested in Iran for criminal activities and then recruited for terrorist activities and released.

According to the Mossad, Iran is trying to exploit the global wave of anti-Semitism in the wake of the Gaza war to recruit new accomplices for terrorist attacks. The Mossad is working together with European secret services to thwart these activities.

Enmity goes back a long way
Israel has been Iran's declared arch-enemy since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. This year, a court in Buenos Aires held the Iranian government responsible for a bomb attack on the Jewish community center in the Argentinian capital in which 85 people were killed and 300 others injured 30 years ago.

The Shiite militia Hezbollah had carried out the attack on the instructions of the Iranian government, the judges ruled in April. According to media reports, they also held Iran responsible for an attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, in which 29 people were killed.

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