Training in the rain

EURO euphoria: 3000 fans cheer on our ÖFB team

30.05.2024 14:17

Great euphoria at the ÖFB team's first (and only public) training session in preparation for the EURO. Around 3000 fans came to Dilly's sports ground in Windischgarsten and bravely held out even in the pouring rain. Which is why Arnautovic, Laimer and co. fulfilled all autograph requests afterwards. It was also pleasing to see that all 28 members of Rangnick's squad completed the entire session ...

"That shows the enthusiasm that has prevailed for months, as well as the solidarity with the team. This euphoria is great. A big family has been created, many come with their children. The players want this closeness and are also willing to approach the fans," enthused ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer as he watched all hell break loose yesterday morning in the tranquil town of Windischgarsten. Parking spaces were already scarce 90 minutes before training began and fans were strolling towards the pitch. "Without Alaba, Arnautovic is my favorite player," smiled little Julian, his eyes wide as he walked past the team bus with his two brothers and parents. All wearing the red Austria jersey. "We've come all the way from Weibern." An hour's journey.

This family traveled from Weibern. (Bild: Rainer Bortenschlager)
This family traveled from Weibern.

The supporters, many families, traveled from Styria, Salzburg, actually all over Austria. "Laimer is the best," cheered a little toddler as the team kickers took to the pitch at 11.30 after the usual activation in the specially erected "fitness tent". "We're going to the quarter-finals. At least." There was extra applause for team boss Rangnick. But every player was celebrated. And all 28 men were there. Even the problem children Max Wöber and Philipp Lienhart (with tape support around his knee) played the full 60 minutes. The team moved to the adjacent pitch in the "second half" to protect the main pitch.

Great euphoria even among the youngest players. (Bild: Rainer Bortenschlager)
Great euphoria even among the youngest players.

Rain not a brake on euphoria
The heavy rain proved to be a spoilsport, but was not a brake on euphoria. Almost all of the 3,000 or so fans held out until the end - some of them soaking wet. Because the children, "armed" with Edding pens, still wanted to collect their trophies. That's right, the autographs. And there were autographs for everyone. Because the ÖFB switched gears quickly and unpacked the winter jackets so that the sweaty players could make the fans happy without fear of catching a cold.

Team boss Ralf Rangnick (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Team boss Ralf Rangnick
Konrad Laimer (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Konrad Laimer
Stefan Lainer (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Stefan Lainer
(Bild: GEPA pictures)

Just as ÖFB President Mitterdorfer had predicted. The euphoria is huge...

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