Papua New Guinea

After the disaster: “The earth is still moving”

31.05.2024 06:00

A mountainside slid down in Papua New Guinea, killing thousands of people. Marlène Villeneuve explains the causes and why a warning was hardly possible. Aid organizations are on the ground.

It was a fraction of a second. A mountain slope broke loose, slid down into the valley and swept thousands of people to their deaths. The inhabitants of Papua New Guinea are digging for survivors with their bare hands. But hope is fading by the minute. The disaster occurred on May 24.

The inhabitants are stunned by the tragedy (Bild: AFP/APA/UN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME/Handout)
The inhabitants are stunned by the tragedy

But could the inhabitants have been warned? "There is no early warning system. The installation of such systems would hardly be feasible due to the large number of potentially endangered slopes and the difficult accessibility in remote areas," explains Marlène Villeneuve, Professor of Rock Mechanics at the Montanuni in Leoben (Styria).

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/APA)

Papua New Guinea is located in a geologically complex and very active zone, which makes the country particularly susceptible to landslides. The region is characterized by weak rocks, faults, intense rainfall, river erosion and frequent earthquakes. "These factors contribute significantly to the risk of landslides," says the expert.

Landslide risk due to deforestation
But humans could also have contributed to this. "Deforestation and mining increase the likelihood of landslides. Deforestation reduces the soil's ability to slowly absorb and release rainwater, which can lead to rapid runoff and erosion."

Marlène Villeneuve, Professor of Rock Mechanics at the Montanuni in Leoben (Styria) (Bild: Marlène Villeneuve)
Marlène Villeneuve, Professor of Rock Mechanics at the Montanuni in Leoben (Styria)

And the worst thing: The earth in the highland region is still moving. Thousands of survivors have to be brought to safety for fear of new landslides.

Professor proposes solutions
The professor sees similarities between the geological structure of Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. Risk reduction has been achieved here. "The solutions include stabilizing slopes along important infrastructure. This also ensures a rapid response as well as public education and communication about landslide hazards," explains Marlène Villeneuve in the "Krone" interview.

World Vision hilft Opfern
„Bergungen sind extrem schwer“

Chris Jenson, World Vision Director of Papua New Guinea, describes the difficulties of the aid mission at the end of the world.

"Krone":Mr. Jensen, how is the situation in the landslide area?
Chris Jenson: It's tragic. Due to the extent of the landslide, it is difficult to verify the number of victims. The landslide happened at 3 o'clock in the morning. The residents could not have done anything as they were asleep at the time, hence the large number of missing people. The size of the fallen rocks is also astonishing. The search is further complicated by the possibility of more landslides and unstable boulders. Rescues are extremely difficult.

What's more?
Families and children are forced to live in open areas with inadequate shelter. The health risks to which they are exposed due to the low temperatures and unsanitary conditions are alarming.

World Vision Director of Papua New Guinea Chris Jenson (Bild: World Vision)
World Vision Director of Papua New Guinea Chris Jenson

What about drinking water and electricity?
In Papua New Guinea, only four out of ten people have access to clean drinking water. In rural areas, this proportion is even lower. Most rural communities are without electricity as they are not connected to the power grid.

How is World Vision helping on the ground?
Among other things, we are preparing the distribution of clothing for the children, blankets, mosquito nets and towels.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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