Waiting times again

Return journey traffic jam on the A10 is already here

30.05.2024 19:00

Even on the public holiday, many drivers had to wait on the Tauernautobahn due to the tunnel construction sites. Even before the weekend began, the return traffic had already started.

No weekend is complete without the horror of traffic jams on the A10: after the wave of traffic jams on Wednesday with up to three hours of lost time - as reported by the "Krone" - traffic was also backed up on the public holiday in front of the tunnel construction sites on the Tauern freeway near Golling: by the afternoon, a few kilometers of traffic had built up near Golling and Kuchl.

Travel traffic already on the way

But the tide turned in the late afternoon of the public holiday: the traffic jam shifted towards Salzburg - before the tunnel construction sites between Eben and Werfen with just under an hour of lost time. Ergo: Even before the weekend begins, the return traffic has already started. Huge traffic jams are therefore expected again on Sunday: Tennengau residents in particular must expect gridlocked traffic in their communities away from the highway. The main reason: the Whitsun vacations in Germany are coming to an end.

A ray of hope with a hint of hope: from June 28, all A10 tunnels are to be reopened to two lanes of traffic. But only over the summer. The roadworks will return at the end of the summer vacation.

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