Up to 25 degrees

Rain showers are followed by a light touch of summer

31.05.2024 11:44

Summer is still a long time coming. However, after a somewhat moderate weekend, farmers and bathing beauties can look forward to sunshine and high temperatures.

While Friday will still be rainy in Carinthia, the weather will improve slightly on Saturday. "The day will start dry. In Lower Carinthia there will be the first clearings. In the afternoon, however, local rain showers and thunderstorms are still to be expected throughout the country," explains Paul Rainer, meteorologist at Geosphere Austria. And the temperatures on Saturday will also be impressive. "It will be up to 20 degrees."

Next disturbance on the way
While there may still be isolated thunderstorms in Carinthia on Saturday, it should remain dry throughout the country on Sunday. "In Upper Carinthia, there will still be a few scattered spring clouds. But the weather won't be unfriendly," said the meteorologist in an interview with "Krone". And temperatures will also rise steadily on Sunday. The weather experts are predicting between 23 and 24 degrees Celsius.

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The weather will be particularly friendly in the Klagenfurt basin on Sunday.

Paul Rainer, Meteorologe bei Geosphere Austria

Summer arrives
At the beginning of the week, however, the pre-summer weather will be over again for a short time. "There will be a few showers again. But the disturbance will only be light," explains Rainer, who is cautiously optimistic about Tuesday, as "things are likely to improve." And it should even be over 25 degrees Celsius, which should not only please bathers, but also farmers who want to start their first mowing.

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