Weapons against Russia

How the US pivot is helping the beleaguered city of Kharkiv

31.05.2024 11:35

By giving Kiev permission to use US weapons against targets in Russia, the Biden administration has made a significant change of course in the war in Ukraine. Germany also followed suit on Friday. Although the use of Western weapons remains severely restricted, the relaxation by Washington and Berlin could be of great benefit to Ukraine in the defense of the embattled city of Kharkiv.

Washington has quietly eased the ban on the use of US-made weapons against targets in Russia. In order to defend the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, which is currently under massive attack, counter-attacks on Russian territory are permitted, reported the magazine "Politico". A US government representative was quoted as saying that the Ukrainian military should be put in a position to take action against Russian forces "that are attacking them or preparing to attack them".

Strikes on command posts permitted
Ukraine is allowed to use US-made artillery, guided bombs and missiles to strike Russian military targets across the border in the Belgorod region. Permitted targets include command posts, weapons depots, concentrations of Russian troops and enemy artillery and missiles. Ukraine is also allowed to use US weapons to attack Russian bombers that want to drop their deadly cargo on Ukrainian territory.

Ukraine is still not permitted to use long-range weapons such as ATACMS missiles. Civilian infrastructure in Russia also remains off limits. The Belgorod border region is considered an important deployment area for the Russian army. Missile attacks are also repeatedly launched from there.

Kiev confirmed on Friday that the United States had approved the limited deployment of its weapons on Russian territory. "This will significantly improve our ability to counter Russian attempts to mass on the border," the Ukrainian president's spokesman, Serhii Nykyforov, told the Guardian.

Russia must reconsider troop movements
For Australian military expert Mick Ryan, these relaxations are also of great importance. He writes in his blog on Substack that Ukraine can now use better weapons against aircraft that want to attack with missiles or glide bombs. The Russian army will also be forced to rethink its troop movements if Ukraine can now also reach positions in Russia, according to Ryan. This also applies to troop concentrations in other Russian regions. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had recently emphasized that support for Ukraine would be constantly adapted to the conditions on the battlefield. It is quite possible that the USA will ease its restrictions further in the future.

Stoltenberg sees no risk of escalation
The Kremlin recently threatened the West with retaliation if it allowed Ukraine to use its weapons against targets in Russia. However, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg does not see any risk of escalation. "Russia itself has escalated by attacking another country," said Stoltenberg on Friday on the fringes of the NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Prague. The same applies to the attacks on the Kharkiv region.

Berlin allows use of German weapons
Following the US reversal, Stoltenberg increased the pressure on Germany and other countries to also relax the restrictions on the use of their weapons. The reaction came promptly: the government in Berlin is now also allowing Ukraine to use weapons supplied by Germany against military targets in Russia, as spokesman Steffen Hebestreit announced on Friday.

"Together, we are convinced that Ukraine has the right under international law to defend itself against these attacks," he explained. It may also use the weapons supplied by Germany for this purpose. Among other things, Berlin has supplied the 2000 self-propelled howitzer and the Mars II system to Ukraine.

During the night, a missile hit this residential building in Kharkiv. (Bild: APA/AFP/SERGEY BOBOK)
During the night, a missile hit this residential building in Kharkiv.

The importance of an efficient defense of Kharkiv was demonstrated last night: the city was again hit by missiles, killing four people and injuring 25, according to Ukrainian reports. S-300 and S-400 missiles were fired from Belgorod. Five hits were recorded, all in the Novobavarsky district of the city, reports the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform.

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