Situation comes to a head

Heavy rain in the Ländle: between hope and fear

31.05.2024 16:17

The persistent heavy rain is keeping the whole of Vorarlberg on tenterhooks. The rescue and fire department control center (RFL) has recorded around 100 call-outs so far, most of which involved water entering buildings. However, the situation on the Leiblach is a cause for concern.

Although the all-clear cannot yet be given, as the heavy rainfall will continue at least until Friday evening, the current situation gives cause for cautious optimism. The Leiblachtal, the Lower Rhine Valley, the Bregenzerwald and the Kleinwalsertal are currently receiving the most rain - in these regions, small-scale flooding, overloading of the sewage system and isolated landslides are still to be expected. The fire departments had to be called out around 100 times by Friday evening - mainly because water had entered buildings and cellars.

The situation on the Leiblach causes concern
The rivers in the country are currently at a consistently high mean water level, which is generally no cause for panic. However, the situation on the Leiblach is causing increasing concern: Early on Friday evening, the measuring stations registered extreme flooding for the border river, which statistically only occurs once in 100 to 300 years. At the present time, it cannot be ruled out that the river will overflow its banks on a larger scale. Accordingly, precautions have been taken in the affected communities, sandbags have been filled and the emergency services are on alert. In addition, all residents are called upon to take precautions to protect their homes. The peak discharge is expected to be reached around midnight.

In Hörbranz, the emergency services are preparing for the worst. (Bild: Maurice Shourot)
In Hörbranz, the emergency services are preparing for the worst.

Rhine forelands partially closed
The water level on the Alpine Rhine has also risen continuously over the past few hours, which is why the first footpaths and cycle paths in the forelands have been closed as a precaution. Depending on developments, there could be further closures. The public is urgently requested to comply with the access bans.

Serious accident on the Rhine Valley highway
The heavy rain also had an impact on traffic, with water repeatedly collecting on the roads, especially in the Rhine Valley. This afternoon, a driver lost control of her car on the Rhine Valley highway near Klaus due to aquaplaning - the car crashed with full force into the center guardrail. The woman's three children were also in the back of the car - all occupants had to be taken to hospital with unspecified injuries.

One driver lost control of her car due to aquaplaning. (Bild: Mathis Fotografie)
One driver lost control of her car due to aquaplaning.

Information on the state's homepage
The emergency services and the municipalities are continuously informed by the provincial warning center. Up-to-date information is available online on the provincial website.

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