ARRIE takes off

“The songs are my emotional time capsule”

01.06.2024 06:04

Young Klosterneuburg native takes off musically with new single: The 19-year-old talks about goals and dreams - and what the perfect song needs . . .

Even as a child, he caught fire when it came to music: "I first picked up a mini guitar at the age of four. That immediately sparked my interest," says ARRIE in an interview with the "Krone". This quickly turned into an electric guitar for the Klosterneuburg native, followed by professional lessons. "I liked playing Bruce Springsteen's old songs," recalls the 19-year-old.

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I like experimenting with song structures. You need a melody that sticks in your head. And a lot of feeling. Then it becomes a good song.

ARRIE, Singer-Songwriter aus NÖ

His first self-written song followed at the age of eight: "I was then allowed to present it at school. That was really cool!" At the age of 14, he also started producing his own songs. He now produces 80 percent of his songs at home and the remaining 20 percent in the studio.

His passion for music was kindled at a young age. (Bild: ARRIE)
His passion for music was kindled at a young age.

ARRIE now wants to hit the big time with his current single "Dreamer". True to the motto: "All or nothing" - at least from a musical perspective. "I don't believe in a plan B", the artist concentrates 100 percent on his music.

Packing personal things into songs
With his songs, ARRIE wants above all to tell stories that touch people. "I'm all about real feelings," he emphasizes. For him, songs function like a "time capsule" full of memories. "I can express myself through music. I'm fascinated by beautiful melodies with personal lyrics," he says, following role models such as Ed Sheeran or Bon Jovi. He is currently busy writing new songs and expanding his fan base along the way.

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