Scandal before the title fights

Isabel Posch was robbed of her starting place at the European Championships!

31.05.2024 20:41

Due to extremely unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of the French Athletics Federation, 24-year-old Isabel Posch from Vorarlberg has been robbed of a starting place in the heptathlon at the European Championships in Rome (June 7-12)!

Background: France had initially entered three participants in the heptathlon, which meant that Posch, 25th in the qualification ranking, missed out on one of the only 24 starting places by one place.

But the cheeky thing is that France only sent one heptathlete after the closing date for entries. As a result, there are now only 22 athletes competing in the all-around in Rome - two places remain free.

No more changes possible after May 29
ÖLV Secretary General Helmut Baudis immediately appealed to European Athletics when only 22 women appeared on the official entry list for the heptathlon and asked for Posch to be moved up. However, European Athletics insisted on the rule that no more changes are possible after May 29 (2 p.m.) and that there is no chance of moving up.

In this case, Posch's starting place in the heptathlon was stolen. It is also crazy that the athlete from Vorarlberg is already at the European Championships with the ÖLV 4 x 100 m relay team, but has to watch the heptathlon.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Olaf Brockmann
Olaf Brockmann
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