Accident in Thörl

48-year-old man hit by tree while working

01.06.2024 16:27

In Thörl, district of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag, a 48-year-old man was hit by a tree on Saturday morning while carrying out forestry work on steep terrain. He suffered serious internal injuries and had to be flown to hospital by rescue helicopter.

On Saturday morning, a 48-year-old man from the district of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag and his 19-year-old son were carrying out forestry work in the area of the so-called Haugsattel. At around half past ten, they set about felling a tree in the particularly impassable steep terrain. In order to accomplish this, the tree had to be secured from the forest road with the tractor's cable winch.

Forestry worker suffered serious internal injuries
However, the plan did not work out and the tree fell directly onto the 48-year-old. He was hit by the tree and thrown to the ground. Fortunately, his son was on site: he quickly administered first aid and informed the emergency services and forestry workers working in the neighboring forest. The injured man was flown to Graz University Hospital by the Christophorus 17 rescue helicopter with serious internal injuries (polytrauma).

Fire department and mountain rescue team deployed
In addition to the Red Cross, the Thörl Mountain Rescue Service and the Thörl and Turnau fire departments were also deployed. The forestry worker was wearing appropriate protective equipment at the time of the accident. There were no indications of any third-party fault.

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