Among them an infant

Horrific accident leaves five children injured

01.06.2024 20:00

Six ambulances, two helicopters, an emergency doctor and a general practitioner - and, according to information from the Red Cross, nine people injured, including five children: that is the devastating result of a serious traffic accident on Saturday afternoon on the Oberinnviertler Landesstraße in Schalchen (Upper Austria).

The rescue services were deployed with many available emergency personnel: Two rescue helicopters, six ambulances, an emergency doctor from Braunau and a general practitioner were called to the scene of the accident on the Oberinnviertler Landesstraße in Schalchen at around 3.30 p.m. on Saturday. Three fire departments were also alerted.

Two of the cars involved were completely destroyed. (Bild: Manfred Fesl)
Two of the cars involved were completely destroyed.

Three cars involved
The large contingent of emergency services was - unfortunately - actually needed at the scene. Because there was a truly horrific crash between the cars of two families.

A total of three vehicles were involved in the accident: First, a 28-year-old man from Ried im Innkreis - in the car his partner (27) and their two children (two and six) - touched an oncoming car and then crashed head-on into the car of a 27-year-old Bosnian woman from Wels, who had her children (five months and seven years) as well as her sister (37) and her daughter (ten) with her.

Split between two hospitals
According to the police, the five-month-old baby and the two-year-old boy were seriously injured. The emergency services took a total of eight patients to the hospitals in Braunau and Salzburg.

The cause of the horror accident on the rain-soaked road is still unclear. The Oberinnviertler Landesstraße was completely closed for the duration of the operation.

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read the original article here.

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