Vikings unbeatable

Breath of the billion-dollar league thrilled record crowd

01.06.2024 21:51

Almost 11,000 enthusiastic fans watched the "Battle of Austria" in the European League of Football between the Vienna Vikings and the Raiders Tirol on Saturday. The Viennese franchise came out on top for the fifth time in a row with a 27:6 victory. It was not only thanks to New England mascot Pat Patriot that a whiff of the billion-dollar NFL league wafted through Favoriten.

Flamethrowers, a fog machine, an action-packed game and a record crowd of 10,919 enthusiastic fans. There was more than just a whiff of the billion-dollar NFL wafting through the Generali-Arena yesterday! And not just because a delegation from the six-time champion New England Patriots, led by mascot Patriot, was in the stadium.

New England mascot Pat Patriot celebrated with the fans. (Bild: Urbantschitsch Mario/Mario Urbantschitsch)
New England mascot Pat Patriot celebrated with the fans.

What began in the morning with a U9 flag football tournament culminated in the "Battle of Austria", the duel between the Vienna Vikings and the Raiders Tirol in the European League of Football. In which the Viennese franchise prevailed 27:6 for the fifth time in a row and thus remains unbeaten against the Tyroleans in the European elite league.

"Pre-game area, action in the stadium, great sport. We showed once again today where we want to go with football in Europe," said a satisfied Vikings owner Robin Lumsden after an intense day. "We are clearly taking our lead from the National Football League NFL, the professional league in America."

A great backdrop at the football festival in Favoriten. (Bild: Urbantschitsch Mario/Mario Urbantschitsch)
A great backdrop at the football festival in Favoriten.

The visitors took a 6:0 lead on the field and it took some time for the Vikings machinery to get rolling. But in the end, it was a clear 27:6 victory. In which joy and sorrow were close together. After touchdowns from Bouah, Pajarinen and Bierbaumer, quarterback Holmes was injured and had to leave the field. Youngster Alex Reischl stepped in. And the 21-year-old not only mastered a two-point conversion, but also added a touchdown himself! "Alex is always well prepared, one of everyone's favorite players in the franchise," praised head coach Chris Calaycay. "We got the win together as a team. I didn't do anything special, I just played what was announced," said Reischl, who is also quite American, practising understatement.

Almost at the same time, the Vienna Vikings Allstars cheerleaders won the national title at the Austrian Finals. In Innsbruck of all places, the home of the Raiders.

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