New dangers loom

Flood drama: Firefighter dies during operation

02.06.2024 07:50

The flood situation in southern Germany continues to worsen: after days of continuous rain, emergency workers are being deployed in the face of overflowing rivers and streams. In Bavaria, several municipalities declared a state of emergency. One firefighter (42) died during a rescue operation. In Baden-Württemberg, two ICE train carriages derailed after a landslide. Further rainfall and thunderstorms could lead to further flooding on Sunday.

The firefighter in question died in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm (Upper Bavaria). According to the police, the Ehrenberg-Pfaffenhofen volunteer fire department was called out on Saturday evening at around 11 pm. Several people were trapped in a bungalow by the flood.

Flooding in southern Germany:

Boat capsized
Four of the emergency services got into a rubber dinghy to help the people, but it capsized. The 42-year-old died in the accident. His body was recovered at around 2 am. The three other rescue workers were able to save themselves.

Person missing
According to Bayerischer Rundfunk, a person is missing in Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria. The person is said to have been in the basement of a house. However, the emergency services are unable to reach the building due to the flooding.

Two wagons derailed: 185 passengers unharmed
Following the continuous rain of the past few days, two carriages of an ICE train derailed late on Saturday evening in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg. According to a railroad spokesperson, the 185 passengers were uninjured in the accident and were taken off the train. The train had been diverted to the route where the accident occurred due to flooding in southern Germany.

Effects on rail traffic to Austria
Following the landslide, there is currently no long-distance rail service between Stuttgart and Munich. A Deutsche Bahn spokesperson was unable to estimate early on Sunday morning how long the line would be interrupted. According to Deutsche Bahn, there had already been disruptions and train cancellations in southern Germany. No trains ran between Munich, Bregenz and Zurich all day Saturday due to the flooding.

Flood of the century in Bavaria
In Bavaria, the continuous rain led to water levels that are statistically only reached once every hundred years. In the night to Sunday, the rivers Günz, Memminger Ach, Kammel, Mindel, Paar and Maisach carried as much water as in a flood of the century. In the northern part of the Upper Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, the local authorities fear extreme flooding.

New dangers loom
The German Weather Service (DWD) said on Saturday that new showers and thunderstorms were approaching from the north, bringing with them a renewed risk of local flooding, especially on Sunday afternoon. The showers could be heavy and would only pass slowly. "If this hits the saturated ground, then you'll quickly have flooding there again," said the meteorologist.

Evacuation calls
The Swabian Alb and areas slightly north of it, as well as the region around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg and Regensburg, were particularly at risk from the showers and thunderstorms on Sunday. In the district of Augsburg, the evacuation calls were extended in the evening. Municipalities along the Schmutter river were particularly affected. Emergency accommodation was set up at the Augsburg exhibition center.

Storms also in Italy and Switzerland
There were also storms in northern Italy. In Switzerland, heavy rainfall led to numerous floods, landslides and flooded cellars.

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