Monday Presentation

The rocky road to a payment card for asylum seekers

02.06.2024 14:19

After Lower Austria, our federal state is also launching a pilot project for a payment card in July: but instead of a finished concept, there are many hurdles. The "Krone" knows the background.

Integration Councillor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer has been convinced of this for months, and on trips abroad (to Brussels or Bavaria, for example) he got confirmation of it: in future, refugees will no longer be paid their food allowance, but will receive it digitally on a kind of ATM card. The ÖVP politician said in February: "This aid from basic welfare benefits should not flow into the country of origin or be misused."

It was feared that asylum seekers would send the money home with the right to seven euros per day and that smugglers could be paid with it. There is talk of using this system to make (Upper) Austria unattractive as a destination country for refugees because cash will no longer flow.

Cash withdrawal is made possible
Tomorrow, Monday, Hattmannsdorfer and Governor Thomas Stelzer will appear before the press. However, they will not be able to present a finished concept. Contrary to initial announcements, it is planned that refugees will be able to withdraw cash in our province, at least to a limited extent. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to pay with the asylum card based on a Mastercard (the provider comes from Bavaria) in many social supermarkets because there are no ATMs there.

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By introducing the benefits-in-kind card, we are sending an unmistakable signal and preventing abuse.

Landesrat Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (Bild: © Harald Dostal)

Integrationslandesrat Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer

Money for refugees is paid out in cash
In addition, cash benefits are paid out in cash and on the basis of Excel spreadsheets, for example by Volkshilfe. A networked digital solution is a long way off. Like Volkshilfe, the Red Cross is also involved in the pilot project - the first meeting of the responsible working group will also take place on Monday. The pilot project is being tested in the area around Steyr and will be launched in eight state and federal asylum facilities throughout Upper Austria in July.

According to reports, Caritas will not be involved. They want to take a look at the development first and then decide, the "Krone" was told. In any case, Hattmannsdorfer wants his model to set an example for the whole of Austria. He has the support of the Minister of the Interior.

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