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Rescued from St. Stephen’s Cathedral: tourist says thank you

02.06.2024 12:20

Manfred from Aachen in Germany was on his way to the top when he collapsed in the south tower of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna on May 10. He was rescued from his predicament by the Vienna Rescue Service's rope rescue team and the fire department's height rescue team. Now he thanks his rescuers.

It was his third time in Vienna, but never before at St. Stephen's Cathedral. The 77-year-old Manfred has climbed the tower many times before. That's why climbing the south tower was an important part of his program. This time, however, he overestimated his strength, Manfred said in a video thanking the Vienna Professional Rescue Service, which they published on Instagram a few days ago.

Wanted to visit the Türmerstube
The German tourist actually wanted to visit the Türmerstube of St. Stephen's Cathedral, but at a height of 70 meters he developed medical problems. Bystanders alerted the emergency services, who were quickly on the scene. Manfred was brought back down to the ground with 22 helpers from the fire department and the rope rescue team. He was then taken to hospital.

"I only realized what I had triggered when I got to the university hospital"
Manfred now thanks the Vienna Professional Rescue Service for their efforts in a video. He says he didn't even realize what he had triggered. He also did not notice his companion during the abseil. It was only at the university hospital that he realized the scale of the operation.

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The Vienna Professional Rescue team is great.

Manfred aus Aachen

At the age of 77, he had simply overestimated his strength. Thanks to the large rescue team, he was able to continue his program the next day. "The Vienna Professional Rescue team is great," Manfred says into the camera at the end of the video, beaming and healthy.

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read the original article here.
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