15 kilometers long

Traffic jam on the A10: accident exacerbates the situation

02.06.2024 14:14

Two people were injured in a car accident on the Tauernautobahn (A10) in Hüttau (Salzburg) on Sunday afternoon. A vacationer lost control of his car and caravan just before the Reittunnel. The vehicle first crashed into a traffic sign and then into the tunnel wall.

Both occupants were injured. The emergency services had to free the female passenger from the car. The Martin 1 emergency helicopter took her to hospital. There was also a dog in the car at the time of the accident - it was apparently uninjured. Nevertheless, the four-legged friend was taken to a vet for a check-up.

The dog is fine (Bild: FF Pfarrwerfen)
The dog is fine

The accident led to a total closure of the Tauernautobahn between the Pongau and Hüttau junctions. According to ASFINAG, the traffic jam stretched back five kilometers at 1 pm. In the direction of Salzburg, returning holidaymakers were even stuck in a traffic jam for 15 kilometers between the Pongau junction and Hüttau. And the trend is rising!

Several accidents
The heavy return traffic heading north in conjunction with the tunnel construction sites on the A10 once again caused considerable congestion on the first weekend in June. On Saturday, the maximum waiting time in the 25-kilometre-long traffic jam for holidaymakers heading north was three hours.

Traffic was handled in blocks in both directions, after an accident had already caused delays on Saturday. A bus crashed into a truck at the north portal of the Helbersberg Tunnel and two people were injured in the accident.

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