It remains changeable

Large amounts of rain: Danube could burst its banks

02.06.2024 14:16

The weather is and will remain changeable next week. Experts from the Austrian Severe Weather Center are expecting large amounts of rain regionally. There are also warnings of flooding and mudslides - the Danube could even burst its banks in the Lower Austrian municipality of Ardagger.

The weather is expected to improve in parts of Austria over the course of the week. According to the Austrian Severe Weather Center, however, there will be large amounts of rain at the beginning of the week. The risk of small-scale flooding and mudslides is increasing.

Pictures: First floods in Kritzendorf near Vienna

(Bild: „Krone“-Leserreporter)
(Bild: „Krone“-Leserreporter)
(Bild: „Krone“-Leserreporter)

Monday: Flooding, mudslides and brief sunshine in between
It will be thundery throughout Austria on Monday. Showery rain will fall from Vorarlberg to western Lower Austria. In the inner Alps, the sun will shine occasionally, but even there it will become rainy again after a while. It will rain in the eastern mountains and in the east on Tuesday night.

Mayor warns population
On his Facebook page, Johannes Pressl, mayor of the Lower Austrian municipality of Ardagger (Amstetten district), warned on Sunday of flooding from Monday to Tuesday. The Danube would still be able to withstand the rainfall on Monday, but could overflow on Tuesday. Landowners, hunters, fishermen and all those affected should prepare for flooding.

Tuesday shows brief improvement
Things look a little better in the eastern mountains and on the northern side of the Alps. As usual, Tuesday will also start with rain in the eastern mountains. Fortunately, this will stop again in the morning. On the northern side of the Alps, it will be briefly sunny - with a "friendly mix of sun and clouds", according to Nikolas Zimmermann from the Austrian Severe Weather Center. Over the western and southern mountains, however, the summer mood will not last long and there will be more showers. Temperatures will rise to between 19 and 25 degrees.

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At Lake Constance, in the Danube region and later also in the east, a friendly mix of sun and clouds will set in.

Nikolas Zimmermann, Meteorologe der Österreichischen Unwetterzentrale

Wednesday and Thursday still scary - temperatures rise
The rest of the week doesn't really look any different. Wednesday and Thursday will start out sunny, but there will be thunderstorms in the southern and eastern mountains.

Temperatures will rise to a maximum of 20 to 26 degrees. The weekend will also bring some thunderstorms, but it will still be summery. Temperatures continue to rise.

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