Horrific floods

Dams broken: 85,000 people in acute distress

02.06.2024 14:20

The flood situation in the German state of Bavaria is becoming increasingly dramatic. Eleven districts have now declared a state of emergency. In one of them, two dams broke on Sunday, leaving around 85,000 people in acute distress. Particularly tragic: a 42-year-old firefighter died during an operation.

The district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm in Upper Bavaria was particularly affected. As a transformer station has flooded, there is a risk of a complete power cut in many areas on Sunday afternoon.

Fire department desperate
Representatives of the fire department report to the newspaper "Bild" of an unpredictable flood "that we have never had to deal with before". Nothing more could be done for the flooded market town of Reichertshofen. "We basically have to give up now".

(Bild: AFP)
(Bild: AFP)
(Bild: AFP)

Emergency power supply, evacuations
There is currently an emergency power supply, but it only has a buffer of two hours. It is possible that the power could fail completely in the early afternoon. That would affect around 50,000 people," the district spokesperson told the Bild newspaper. An additional aggravation of the already dramatic situation for helpers and people in need.

Due to the extensive flooding, hundreds of trapped people have already had to be evacuated by boat or helicopter or have voluntarily left their homes.

Firefighter dead
A firefighter died during a rescue operation in Pfaffenhofen. He capsized in a rubber dinghy during an operation with three colleagues and was recovered dead early on Sunday morning, according to the spokesperson for the Pfaffenhofen district office.

Person missing, train derailed
A missing person is also believed to be in a flooded cellar in Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria. The police are working on the case and divers have also been requested, according to the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district office. In the neighboring state of Baden-Württemberg, an ICE train derailed after a landslide.

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