After Raisi's fall

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02.06.2024 17:07

The controversial Iranian ex-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has filed for re-election. The 67-year-old politician registered at the Interior Ministry in the capital Tehran on Sunday, according to Iranian media reports.

During his time in office (2005-2013), he caused quite a stir with his anti-Semitic statements. Most recently, the ex-president made surprisingly critical comments about the government. According to observers, he has fallen out of favor with the state.

Not allowed to stand in 2021 election
Ahmadinejad wanted to run in the 2021 election, but was not allowed to do so. The ballot was considered to have been rigged to help the unpopular arch-conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi to victory. Following his accidental death, Iran will elect a new president on June 28.

Candidates can apply for the election up to and including Monday. According to state radio, around 20 candidates have been registered so far.

Ahmadinejad now wants to become president again following the accidental death of Raisi. (Bild: APA/AFP/ATTA KENARE)
Ahmadinejad now wants to become president again following the accidental death of Raisi.

The so-called Guardian Council, a powerful supervisory body made up of Islamic clerics and lawyers, will then decide on the suitability of the candidates. As a result, citizens can usually only choose from a group of candidates who are loyal to the system.

In Iran, unlike many other countries, the president is not the head of state, but the head of government. The real power is concentrated in the hands of religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Protests after the death of a young Kurdish woman
Many people in Iran are disillusioned in the face of political repression, an economic crisis and failed attempts at reform in recent decades and have lost faith in major domestic political change.

In the fall of 2022, the death of the young Kurdish woman Jina Masa Amini sparked nationwide protests against the Islamic system of rule. Voter turnout in this year's parliamentary elections reached a record low of around 40 percent.

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