What do the citizens want?

Hotter dispute: Now there is a “counter-survey”

03.06.2024 05:58

After a recent citizens' survey went in favor of Bad Sauerbrunn, there has now been a second one - with a completely contrary result

The "Hotter dispute" between Bad Sauerbrunn and Wiesen or Pöttsching has gained another facet. As reported, an initiative from the spa town recently launched a survey of the citizens in the disputed settlements. According to Mayor Gerhard Hutter, the result was that more than 80 percent declared themselves in favor of Bad Sauerbrunn. However, Peter Reeh, chairman of the Keltenberg settlers' association, found this result strange.

Citizens don't want Bad Sauerbrunn after all
He then launched his own survey in the Keltenberg settlement, which belongs to Wiesen and Pöttsching. The result is contrary to that of the neighboring municipality: 76 percent were in favor of remaining with Wiesen or Pöttsching, only 24 percent were in favor of a change, says Reeh. The residents were contacted personally or by telephone during his survey.

Peter Reeh, Chairman of the Keltenberg Settlers' Association, carried out his own survey. (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Peter Reeh, Chairman of the Keltenberg Settlers' Association, carried out his own survey.

Low response rate
Of the approximately 210 households, 173 were reached, which corresponds to 82 percent. In the Bad Sauerbrunn survey, the response rate for Keltenberg was 38 percent. Many households did not receive a questionnaire at all. "That doesn't add up at the back and front," says Reeh.

"It's statement against statement"
He assumes that the majority of the other disputed settlements are also in favor of remaining in Wiesen and Pöttsching. "It's testimony against testimony," says the settlers' chairman. He wants to pass on the results of his survey to the state. There are two options for Reeh: Either it is decided that everything stays as it is. Or there could be an election, in which the result would be legally binding.

"Have a result with a letter and seal"
Bad Sauerbrunn's mayor takes a relaxed view of the result of the Keltenberg survey: "In our survey, the citizens declared their support with their signature and address. We have the results in writing. An independent body can check this at any time." In his view, it is now up to the state to find a solution to the situation. It also needs an "independent body that can put this into figures".

Can children continue to go to nursery?
For Hutter, it is also clear that it is necessary to look at how to deal with children from neighboring villages when the kindergarten and crèche reach their capacity limits. Hutter rejects a further expansion: "Then we might no longer be able to take the children from Wiesen and Pöttsching."

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