Salzburg League

Kuchl warmed up for the final with a 12:1 thrashing

02.06.2024 19:50

What an announcement! Salzburg League leaders Kuchl dispatched relegation candidates Henndorf 12:1 in the only Sunday game of the penultimate round. And showed that they won't let anyone take the butter off their bread.

"Especially after losing the Cup final, we lacked a bit of confidence," recalls Kuchl coach Tom Hofer. In the meantime, however, the Winter King's chest is broad again. "It's not so easy to always have to go one better," he says, referring to the fixture list. Most recently, chasers Seekirchen were always able to draw level on points and stay in first place overnight thanks to winning the direct comparison. With one round to go, that no longer impressed the Tennengau team. "We didn't let up and had the quality to finish it off," said Hofer, happy with the 12:1 victory. The last time there was a bigger win was in July 2015 - 13:0 in the regional cup against 2nd division shooting gallery ASVÖ Liefering.

The leaders already led 6:0 at the break, with Henndorf only scoring the consolation goal through Schwarz in the 89th minute. The team from Wallersee made four substitutions at the break and rested the players with yellow cards for the season finale and derby against Kuchl's closest rivals Seekirchen. Kuchl, meanwhile, have the unpleasant trip to Siezenheim ahead of them and want to make everything clear there. "In principle, it's not easy to clinch the title in the last round," says Hofer.

Seekirchen coach Lapkalo took the pressure off his team after the 5-0 win against Golling on Saturday. After celebrating double-packer Pär's birthday in the canteen with fried chicken, the coach said: "I don't think Kuchl will let this be taken away from them. We've played an outstanding season so far, they've just played an even more outstanding one."

Pack as a bad omen, neighborly help announced
The 12:1 could also be seen as a bad omen for Henndorf. In its last Salzburg league season to date, 2014/15, Henndorf suffered a 2:8 defeat against Kuchl before the league veterans par excellence were relegated to the 1st regional league. Will the game be repeated now? Not if neighboring Eugendorf has its way! "We will provide the necessary support against Golling and want our neighbor to stay in the league," announced sporting director Kopleder after the 3:2 win against Puch.

Former West League double champions Anif, who are currently in the relegation zone, will also tip the scales. The canceled Straßwalchen match is expected to be played on Tuesday. The Tribl-Boys are also planning to pick up three points against Adnet to keep their place in the league at the last minute.

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