Voting on Sunday

50% of Austrians are “certain” to vote in the EU elections

03.06.2024 07:56

Half of the population is certain to vote in the EU elections, 21% are more likely to vote and 8% are certain not to vote. These are the findings of a representative survey conducted by the Market Institute. The top priorities for Austrians are a uniform migration and asylum policy and reducing the gap between rich and poor.

For the survey, the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE) interviewed 5,400 people (fluctuation margin plus/minus 1.36 percent. According to ÖGfE Secretary General Paul Schmidt, the intention to vote increases with age and level of education. 55 percent of men, but only 46 percent of women are certain to vote. According to Schmidt, the willingness to vote is highest in Lower Austria and Vienna, but lowest in Salzburg. Incidentally, half intend to vote for the same party in both upcoming elections - National Council and EU elections. A quarter intend to vote for different parties.

EU migration and asylum policy most important
When it comes to the most urgent issues for the EU, a uniform EU migration and asylum policy is in first place. This is a high priority for 56%. This is followed by reducing the gap between rich and poor (55%), greater cooperation between EU member states on security and defense (47%), climate and environmental protection (45%) and reform of the EU (44%). Respondents consider support for Ukraine in the war against Russia (25% see this as a high priority) and the enlargement of the EU to include new countries (10) to be less urgent.

Gap between men and women
The genders appear to have different priorities: A unified asylum and migration policy is more of a high priority for men than women (men: 62 percent, women 50 percent), as is EU reform (men: 52, women: 36). Women are more likely to prioritize reducing the gap between rich and poor (men: 51, women 58) as well as climate and environmental protection (men: 39, women: 50).

Many feel poorly informed
73% are very or somewhat interested in events and processes in the EU and European politics, but the number of those who feel well informed about the work and tasks of the EU Parliament is lower: only 9% feel very well informed, 34% rather well informed. In contrast, a total of 52% feel rather poorly or badly informed.

Attitude towards the EU not exactly positive
Opinions are divided when it comes to the question of whether people in their own federal state notice anything about Austria's membership of the EU: 38% say they notice mainly positive things, while 31% say they notice mainly negative things or that it makes no difference whether Austria is in the EU. The same applies when it comes to whether the member states should decide for themselves more often. 44 percent answer "yes", and 44 percent want more joint action at European level.

When it comes to decisions that affect their own future, national politicians are highly regarded. 65% of respondents have the greatest trust in them, 21% in federal politicians and only 13% in EU politicians.

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