"L'amour toujours"

kronehit defies Cancel Culture & plays D’Agostino

03.06.2024 09:21

Cancel Culture canceled! kronehit plays the love song "L'amour toujours" despite the abuse by racist songs. The station says it is unacceptable that an artist who can do nothing about it has to pay for it.

Videos showing drunken revellers chanting racist slogans to the beat of the song caused a media outcry and public outrage around Gigi D'Agostino's song "L'amour toujours". As a result, radio stations considered removing the song from the program completely.

Georg Spatt, program director of kronehit, now told the Kronen Zeitung: "It's unacceptable that an artist who can't help it has to pay for it."

kronehit program director Georg Spatt. (Bild: picturedesk.com/Gilbert Novy / KURIER)
kronehit program director Georg Spatt.

Civil courage instead of racism
The station will continue to play the song, which, as D'Agostino emphasized in the "Krone" interview, is "about universal love and about people who are in each other's arms and feel united".

Understandably, however, the song will still not be played at live events for fear of unpleasant incidents.

Lower Austria's governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) spoke out against a ban on the song at the weekend. She emphasized that the song was "completely harmless" and that "any song can be misused by particularly stupid people". She called for civil courage against racism instead of banning songs.

D'Agostino shocked by bans
Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino also expressed his shock at the decision by radio stations and UEFA to ban his song in an interview with the Kronen Zeitung newspaper at the weekend.

He described the bans as "medieval" and "racist" and emphasized that his song is "about universal love".

Gigi D'Agostino is shocked that his old song "L'amour toujours" has been misused for racist chants and is now virtually banned in many places. (Bild: Semtainment/OTS)
Gigi D'Agostino is shocked that his old song "L'amour toujours" has been misused for racist chants and is now virtually banned in many places.

IG Autorinnen Autoren against self-censorship
The interest group of female authors (IG Autorinnen Autoren) also spoke out against self-censorship. Instead, it called for action to be taken against racism and inhumane content at every opportunity.

Conclusion: There are different opinions on how to deal with "L'amour toujours" after the racist chants. While some are in favor of a ban, others are against self-censorship. It is important that active action is taken against racism and inhumane content.

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read the original article here.

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