Exactly my neighborhood!

Win a 10,000 euro shopping experience

05.06.2024 00:01

In Vienna, everyone can be who they want to be - unique experiences in the city's extraordinary neighborhoods, districts and markets are just waiting to be discovered. In meinkaufstadt, people experience their city in their very own, personal way. Each and every Viennese has their own unique taste, style and specific preferences. In Vienna, the most liveable city in the world, there is room for all these individual parts - together they make the federal capital so unmistakable.

Exactly mine - your very personal meinkaufstadt Wien
This is particularly evident when it comes to shopping, restaurants and services. Because meinkaufstadt Wien is the sum of these individual parts. "Exactly mine!" - stands for the diverse opportunities for individual development that are offered to everyone here.
With the "Exactly mine!" campaign and the "Exactly my Grätzl!" video competition, meinkaufstadt Wien wants to bring these unique experiences to the fore.

Nothing should stand in the way of a great summer in the world's most liveable city. Make it your summer - a summer exactly to your taste. meinkaufstadt Vienna makes it possible. You can find the latest tips and trends at www.meinkaufstadt.wien.

(Bild: WK Wien)

Huge prizes for consumers and businesses
Show us where your Vienna is - and what makes it special. With "Exactly my Grätzl!", the Vienna Chamber of Commerce is calling on the Viennese to record a video with their cell phone and tell us why their district or Grätzl is particularly charming, worth living in and simply incomparable. Whether it's about your favorite business such as a cozy coffee house, the reliable plumber or your trusted service provider - we want to hear your opinion!
Upload your video to meinkaufstadt.wien/genau-mein-graetzl and win great prizes.

The main prize for consumers is an exclusive shopping experience worth a total of 10,000 euros! A personal shopping consultant will be at your side to give you professional style advice. Shopping dreams come true with shopping vouchers for Viennese retail and service businesses. A visit to the hairdresser, beauty salon or massage institute of your choice and an overnight stay in a Viennese 5-star hotel with dinner round off this unique experience. In addition, one winner from each of Vienna's 23 districts will be reimbursed for their purchase to the value of 1,000 euros.

Viennese companies themselves will also be brought before the curtain in our video competition - they can also submit clips. And it's worth it: the main prize is a cross-media advertising campaign with a total value of 10,000 euros. In addition to a target group-oriented social media strategy from a renowned management consultancy, a cinema commercial will also be produced and broadcast in the cinema of choice. The winners from the districts will not only receive valuable application material with the videos, but also 8 hours of sponsored business consulting on the topic of their choice.

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read the original article here.

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