Does the Serb have to retire?

Magic shot and victory – but now Djokovic is worried

04.06.2024 06:39

It was a real rollercoaster ride for Novak Djokovic! In the French Open round of 16 against Argentina's Francisco Cerundolo, the Serb seemed to be severely handicapped by a knee injury and was even on the verge of retiring. Then the superstar turned on the heat once again, thrilled the fans in Paris with a magic shot and won the match. But now he fears for his continued participation.

At 1:2 in the second set, the "Djoker" suddenly felt pain in his left knee and had to take a "medical time-out". "I've damaged my knee because I slip all the time when I make quick movements. I just want the court to be taken off after every other side change, that's all," Djokovic was annoyed when talking to the supervisor.

The superstar was already 2:4 down with a break in the fourth set. "I was three or four points away from defeat," said Djokovic. But then the 37-year-old unpacked his best tennis and presented the spectators with a feat at the net: In Superman style, he got to the ball after a passing shot from Cerundolo and grabbed the point in spectacular style. The fans went crazy - watch the video here:

Djokovic battered
Djokovic now faces Casper Ruud in a repeat of last year's final in the quarter-finals. However, his performance is shaky and his knee pain is causing great concern. "I don't know if I'll play the quarter-finals, we'll wait and see," Djokovic worries.

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