Flood reaches Upper Austria

Danube already overflowing its banks in Linz

04.06.2024 07:46

The forecasts for flooding in Upper Austria had to be revised upwards on Tuesday night. The Danube had already burst its banks in the morning in the Urfahran market area. And the rivers will continue to rise during the course of today.

Upper Austria should have escaped the floods with a black eye and without any flooding, but after the heavy rainfall on Monday night, the forecasts had to be revised upwards. According to the state's hydrographic service, the locally heavy rainfall late Monday evening could not have been predicted.

Flood protection set up
In Linz, the Danube had a water level of 6.80 meters on Tuesday morning, and the first flooding of the Urfahran market area has already begun. And the experts expect the water to rise another 30 to 40 centimeters in the coming hours. Mobile flood protection was also set up in many places along the Danube during the night.

One meter under water
In Schärding, preparations have already been made for a second flood wave. Compared to Sunday, this will be one and a half meters higher. The fire department expects that the Inn area will then be one meter under water. The town of Schärding is well protected by the flood protection system. However, the river Pram, which has also risen sharply, is causing concern. Sandbags are to protect the houses there.

The rivers are expected to reach their highest levels by midday. At least no more rain is coming from above.

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