Historic mission

China probe leaves the far side of the moon with samples

04.06.2024 09:59

China has become the first nation to use a space probe to collect and transport rock samples from the far side of our moon. The ascent module of the "Chang'e-6" probe lifted off from the Earth's satellite on Tuesday morning (Beijing local time) with the samples on board.

A short time later, the probe swung into orbit around the moon, according to the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA). It took samples below the surface of the Earth's satellite with a drill and collected rocks on the floor of the moon, it said.

The devices taken along, such as the one from the European Space Agency ESA or one from France, had fulfilled their tasks as expected, the statement continued. Finally, the probe unfurled a Chinese flag.

The photo shows the "Chang'e 6" probe and its ascent module collecting soil samples from the far side of the moon. (Bild: CNSA via Xinhua)
The photo shows the "Chang'e 6" probe and its ascent module collecting soil samples from the far side of the moon.

Launch from the moon was particularly tricky
The mission withstood the high temperatures on the far side of the moon, the CNSA continued. The launch from the moon was particularly tricky. Due to the probe's position on the moon, the control center on Earth cannot maintain direct contact with it and is reliant on the "Queqiao-2" relay satellite. The ascent module therefore had to align itself independently for the launch.

According to the CNSA, the space capsule will now dock with the orbiter and the return vehicle in lunar orbit and begin its journey back to Earth. The experts are planning the landing, possibly at the end of June, in China's northern province of Inner Mongolia.

It would be the first time in human history that soil and rock samples have been brought back to Earth from the remote far side of the moon. Scientists have high hopes of exploring the far side of the moon because its surface is not extensively covered with lava. Rock from the far side could provide better information about the formation of the Earth's satellite.

At the beginning of May, "Chang'e-6" was launched on its mission from the Wenchang spaceport on the southern Chinese island of Hainan. After just over four days in flight, the probe entered lunar orbit and circled the Earth's satellite to find a suitable time and place for landing.

"Chang'e-6" landed in an impact crater
On Sunday, it reached the moon's largest and oldest impact crater in the so-called South Pole-Aitken Basin. Researchers have long wanted to obtain rock samples from this region, as they may provide information about the formation of the moon, the Earth and the early history of the solar system.

Moon landing attempts are considered extremely difficult, as demonstrated by recent failed attempts by India, Israel, Japan and Russia. The Earth's satellite has also become interesting again for many nations because valuable raw materials are believed to be there.

China has been investing billions in its ambitious space program for years and would also like to catch up with the USA in this area. China wants to send a manned mission to the moon by 2030.

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read the original article here.

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