Shock for relatives

Israel: One third of the remaining hostages are dead!

04.06.2024 10:43

This news is likely to shock the bereaved: The Israeli government assumes that more than a third of the hostages still remaining in the Gaza Strip are dead at the hands of the militant Palestinian organization. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting for a Gaza agreement to be reached.

Hamas took around 250 hostages at the beginning of October. Many were released during a week-long ceasefire at the end of November in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. According to the government, 120 remained in captivity. 43 of them were declared dead, it was reported on Tuesday.

The data was based on various sources, including information from the secret service, footage from television stations and videos from eyewitnesses as well as forensic analyses.

USA puts pressure on Israel
The international community does not want to stand by and watch the bloodshed any longer. The USA wants to secure the backing of the UN Security Council for the plan presented by President Joe Biden for an agreement to end the Gaza war.

On Monday, Israel's most important ally introduced a resolution to this effect. The G7 group demonstratively backed the peace plan, which Israel is said to have agreed to. However, the reaction of Israel's head of government Benjamin Netanyahu raised doubts as to whether an agreement would be reached.

There are now major protests against the Netanyahu government in Israel. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Maya Alleruzzo)
There are now major protests against the Netanyahu government in Israel.

"The claim that we agreed to a ceasefire without our conditions being met is not correct," Netanyahu said on Monday, according to his office, regarding Biden's move. A senior Israeli official told NBC News that Biden had "not accurately" reflected Israel's proposal.

Right-wing government remains stubborn
Netanyahu had made it clear on Saturday that Israel's conditions for an end to the war had not changed: the destruction of Hamas and the release of all hostages.

The USA, Qatar and Egypt have been mediating between Israel and Hamas for weeks in order to achieve a ceasefire and an exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners. On Friday, Biden surprisingly presented details of a draft for a deal in three phases.

Netanyahu's right-wing religious coalition partners have since threatened to break up the coalition if Israel agrees to the deal. Netanyahu said behind closed doors in parliament on Monday that the wording of the proposal would allow Israel to resume fighting if talks on a permanent ceasefire did not make progress in a later phase, the Wall Street Journal quoted an official as saying.

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