Styrian in Hollywood

Swen Temmel: “I want to become a superstar”

04.06.2024 20:00

Swen Temmel has big goals. The Styrian, who lives in Hollywood, is currently shooting one film after another - he spoke to the "Krone" about his ambitions in the dream factory.

The young Austrian Swen Temmel has all the prerequisites for a global career in show business: as a native of Graz in Hollywood, he has a famous role model, at 32 he is the right age for a career turbo, and his engagements in Hollywood are increasing rapidly.

At the side of De Niro, Travolta and Co.
He has only just filmed with Gerard Butler, but Al Pacino, Mel Gibson and Robert De Niro are also among his film partners. "I want to make it to the top," said Temmel in the "Krone" talk in the exclusive pool bar of the Majestic luxury hotel on the bustling Croisette boulevard, where the Cannes Film Festival took place just a few weeks ago. At the top, that's where many of his film partners have been for a long time: They have won Oscars and stars on the Hollywood boulevard. Exactly to the taste of the Austro-youngster, who is ready to conquer Hollywood. "Whether it's an action movie, a drama or a thriller," says Temmel, "I'm ready."

Temmel (far right) at the "Cash Out" premiere alongside Lukas Haas, Natali Yura and John Travolta (from left) (Bild: zVg)
Temmel (far right) at the "Cash Out" premiere alongside Lukas Haas, Natali Yura and John Travolta (from left)

Hard-working and close to home
At the age of six, he came to Los Angeles from Graz with his parents - his father Charly Temmel owns an ice cream empire with which he is also expanding in the USA. "At some point, I asked myself the question: do I follow in my dad's footsteps or do I try to live my dream?" says Temmel. He decided to follow his dream - but not without regularly visiting home. "The roots are the most important thing to me".

The dream factory was too tempting for the likeable soccer fan ("Sturm Graz!"). He attended the Lee Strasberg acting school, made student films and worked his way up step by step. "I didn't have any connections, I worked everything out for myself," he says. "Some people are lucky and get every role, I worked my way up through hard work. I've come a long way today, but I'm still not where I want to be".

But that spurred Swen Temmel on. In America, it is a principle that performance and success are valued, not envied. The fact that he speaks better English than his role model Arnie is perhaps an advantage, but: "Arnie has a trademark - that's his language". A distinctiveness that Temmel has yet to find.

"Entertain with class"
Because the competition is tough. There are thousands of actors in Hollywood who want to make it. "But film sets are like families, you learn to appreciate and love people," says Temmel. This creates relationships for later.

Swen Temmel grew up with Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Travolta, they are the reason why he acts. In general: "As an actor, I want to enable the audience to escape their everyday lives for two hours, to forget their worries, to switch off. The world is on the brink, there are wars, terror, diseases. This is a challenge for our profession: We should offer people entertainment, whisk them away to other worlds. A noble attitude from a profession that is often about appearances: "If I want to be famous, there are easier ways: For example, walking naked across the Croisette," laughed Temmel. "Then I'll be in all the newspapers tomorrow". But that's not his path: he wants to entertain with class.

Swen on a visit to his old home (left) with his mom Maria and dad: ice king Charly Temmel (Bild: privat)
Swen on a visit to his old home (left) with his mom Maria and dad: ice king Charly Temmel

Despite all the glamor, the festival in Cannes was ideal for networking, said Temmel. "Here you can find the film world gathered in one place for ten days". It is this film world that fascinates Swen Temmel. He is more the physical type, someone of the caliber of Keanu Reeves, Clint Eastwood or Liam Neeson. Preferably in roles where things are not always squeamish.

With Alec Baldwin on the set of a fatal mistake
A particular drama occurred when he was in front of the camera in a leading role for the western "Rust" with Alec Baldwin. In one scene, a shot went off from the gun on set, the cartridge was real and the camerawoman Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot. "I was on set at the time, not far from the accident, which nobody can explain to this day," says Temmel. "It was a tragedy". Which is why the actor finally ended his involvement when the film was about to be completed. "For me, that would have been disrespectful".

Hollywood likes a young man with principles. This was one of the reasons why Schwarzenegger's career took off at the time. But life in Los Angeles also brings hardships: "What I miss most there is the Kaiserschmarren," said Temmel. "And our good brown bread or a hearty pancake soup". A man with strong roots, good taste in food and big dreams.

And perhaps the next world star from Austria ...

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read the original article here.

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