Less is not possible!

Kim Kardashian packs curves into a top that’s far too small

04.06.2024 12:34

Reality queen Kim Kardashian has posted a bikini photo from her last vacation on her Instagram account, which has earned her many compliments, but also the advice to buy her bikini top one size larger.

Kardashian, who vacationed in the Turks and Caicos Islands in April, has now posted a souvenir photo of it on her Instagram account.

The very sexy photo shows only her upper body, a necklace with a cross pendant and two belly chains with similar, smaller pendants around her very slim, well-toned waist. Her breasts are just barely covered by a black, very tight-fitting bikini top.

This photo is causing a stir on Kim's Insta:

Mega curves
For some of her fans, the protruding breasts are a no-go on the beach. They recommend that the 43-year-old should buy her bikini tops at least one size bigger.

"The top is too small!" wrote one follower to the TV superstar. Others wanted to know whether too small was now "in". Of course, everyone knows that Kardashian chose this photo on purpose to show off her mega curves and presumably especially her very slim middle.

45-centimetre waist
What no one knew in April was that the neo-actress - who made her debut in the horror series "American Horror Story" this year - was preparing for her big appearance at the Met Gala 2024 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York at the beginning of May.

There, she appeared in a corset that allegedly cinched her waist to a scant 45 centimetres.

Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024 (Bild: APA/AFP/Angela Weiss)
Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024
Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024 (Bild: APA/AFP/Angela Weiss)
Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024
Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024 (Bild: APA/AFP/Angela Weiss)
Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2024

Her fitness trainer Melissa Alcantara revealed that Kardashian trained hard with her six days a week before the event. There was speculation on X that the mother of four, who however had three of her children carried by a surrogate, may have also removed a rib to fit into the glittering silver Maison Margiela design.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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