Because students cheat

Matura part falls victim to artificial intelligence

04.06.2024 14:30

Because more and more students are letting ChatGPT help them with their A-levels, the Ministry of Education is now changing the rules: From the coming school year, around 55,000 school leavers from all types of school will no longer have to take a crucial part of their final exam.

The so-called VWAs (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeiten) at grammar schools, diploma theses at vocational secondary schools (BHS) and final theses at vocational secondary schools (BMS) were previously compulsory parts of the Matura or final examinations.

However, everything could change for up to 55,000 pupils from the coming school year 2024/2025: Education Minister Martin Polaschek is already pulling the ripcord ahead of the results paper published next week by a group of experts he appointed: "We will abolish the compulsory VWA! A first step towards more freedom and openness in the Matura."

In any case, around 17,000 AHS students and 10,000 to 15,000 final theses at the BMS are affected by this serious change every year. A solution is also to be found or further developed for the approximately 23,000 diploma theses at the BHS.

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Due to the rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence, these theses and the current design of these theses have been repeatedly called into question in recent months.


The background: more and more students were using artificial intelligence for this part of their A-levels. And apparently cheated with ChatGPT. Or, as the ministry puts it in technical terms: "Due to the rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence, this work and the current design of this work have been repeatedly called into question in recent months."

As an alternative to the VWA, students will have to take an oral examination in another subject in future. There will also still be a voluntary option. The details are to be discussed and decided with the Green coalition partner. It remains to be seen whether this will happen before the National Council elections ...

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read the original article here.

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