After argument with wife

Indian kills eight family members with an axe

04.06.2024 14:32

An atrocity shocks India: an Indian man has caused a bloodbath in the state of Madhya Pradesh. After an argument with his wife, he killed her, his parents and his children with an axe.

The crime took place last week in the town of Chhindawara. After the crime, the 22-year-old man named Dinesh Saryam committed suicide, Indian media reported. One of the children, who lived in Dinesh's uncle's house, was injured but survived the horrific rampage and alerted the police.

Drug addiction the reason for the bloody deed?
The policemen who rushed to the scene found the 22-year-old, who had married his wife only a week ago, hanged. The police chief of Chhindawara said that drug addiction was being considered as a possible reason for the horrific crime.

In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, a twenty-two-year-old Indian has caused a terrible bloodbath. (Bild: kameraOne (Screenshot))
In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, a twenty-two-year-old Indian has caused a terrible bloodbath.

Seen with "disturbed look" after wedding
An older sister of Dinesh claimed that his behavior suddenly changed when he was married. The young man, who liked to take videos for social media, did not film anything during the wedding and was seen with a "disturbed look" in the days after the ceremony, they say.

If you or someone close to you is in an exceptional psychological situation or is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the telephone helpline on 142. You can find other crisis hotlines and emergency numbers HERE.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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