"Krone" competition

Stürmer storms the Kuppelarena in Telfs

05.06.2024 17:00

Win 5 x 2 tickets with the "Krone" for Christina Stürmer's magnificent "MTV Unplugged" concert on June 21 in the Kuppelarena Telfs.

In 2003, a then 21-year-old singer from the small Upper Austrian market town of Altenberg near Linz made an unconventional statement in the final of the casting show "Starmania" that had a positive impact on her future. She sings her dream song "Ein Kompliment" by Sportfreunde Stiller, even if it means she misses out on victory, which instead goes to Michael Tschuggnall from Telfs.

21 years later, Christina Stürmer can look back on a musical career that spans half her life. She has been on the stages of the German-speaking world for just as long. And this half-life has been very successful.

A part of local pop history for over 20 years - Christina Stürmer (Bild: APA/HERBERT P. OCZERET)
A part of local pop history for over 20 years - Christina Stürmer

Experience Christina Stürmer live with the "Krone"
Her debut album "Freier Fall" went platinum four times in Austria. In Germany, she celebrated her breakthrough with the album "Schwarz Weiss", which went double platinum. Hits such as "Ich lebe" and "Engel fliegen einsam" have contributed significantly to Christina Stürmer becoming a legend in German-language pop. With seven number one albums, eleven Amadeus Awards, many hundreds of sold-out concerts and, since last year, an "MTV Unplugged in Vienna" album.

Christina Stürmer can look back on seven number one albums, eleven Amadeus Awards, hundreds of sold-out concerts and, since last year, an "MTV Unplugged in Vienna" album. (Bild: Reinhard Holl)
Christina Stürmer can look back on seven number one albums, eleven Amadeus Awards, hundreds of sold-out concerts and, since last year, an "MTV Unplugged in Vienna" album.

Premiere for a German-speaking singer
This makes Christina Stürmer the first German-speaking singer to give an MTV Unplugged concert. It was recorded in August 2023 at the Volkstheater in Vienna, accompanied by her band, a brass ensemble, a four-piece backing choir, a pianist and a vibraphonist.

5 times 2 tickets to be won
It makes sense that the current single is entitled "Ein halbes Leben". This new song is a reflection on two decades in the music business and a grateful tribute to her own work. Now she is going on tour and is adding a performance in the "Telfer Kuppelarena" to her shows in the "Wiener Gasometer" and in the "Szene Salzburg" on June 21. The "Krone" is giving away tickets.

Participation only for consumers resident in Austria and only by e-mail with name, address and password "Christina Telfs" to gewinntirol@krone.at. Closing date for entries June 17, 2024. Winner(s) will be notified in writing; no legal recourse. Conditions of participation and data protection information at krone.at/tnb-verlag or krone.at/datenschutz-verlag.

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