Authorities overwhelmed

Heat drives migrants to their deaths at the US border

04.06.2024 16:33

Extremely high temperatures in the USA have led to an increase in injuries and deaths among people fleeing to the USA via Mexico. Mexico is on the route taken by those fleeing their homeland to the USA due to poverty, violence and political crises. The route is considered the deadliest in the world for land migration.

"The desert environment is extremely unforgiving, especially during the summer months," warns a statement from the US Border Patrol. Officials in El Paso are stepping up their efforts to prevent such tragedies with more patrols and specialized rescue teams. Drones are also being used to find and help people in distress. "But the best way to protect yourself is not to try to cross the border illegally."

Several emergencies last weekend alone
Last weekend, border guards had to respond to several emergencies, the authority announced on Monday evening (local time). There were also four deaths as a result of heatstroke and dehydration.

(Bild: 2019 Getty Images)

Although the number of people crossing the border illegally has fallen significantly in recent months, mainly due to stricter measures on the Mexican side, thousands of migrants continue to enter the USA every day. Experts expect a renewed increase in the longer term - partly because the measures on the Mexican side have led to the problem simply being shifted within Mexico's borders.

Biden wants to tighten migration policy
On Monday, US media reported that President Joe Biden wants to significantly tighten his migration policy on the southern border. The Democrat intends to present his plans this Tuesday and sign a corresponding decree. The issue is playing a particularly important role in the US presidential election campaign. The authorities are under pressure. The judicial system can barely keep up with the processing of asylum applications. There is also a lack of accommodation and other resources for the new arrivals. This is now also being felt in federal states far from the border.

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